9 Months

A Journey Into the Unknown World of Becoming a Dad

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Location: South Florida, United States

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Southwest Sensations

Yes, I know. I went to great lengths to explain why I wasn’t so keen on the idea of a “theme” for the baby’s room. So it is with a moderate degree of hesitation that I admit we did in fact pick a theme for this child’s room. Not knowing the sex of the baby makes it a little difficult. If we decorated in butterflies and then had a boy, he may turn out like Tyler on the Real World. Of course, by that I mean self-loathing and bitter.

In keeping with the décor of our home, we went with a southwestern theme. What we didn’t realize was that we, along with only about 4 other couples in the country, have chosen this theme. Locating southwestern decorations for a child’s room has been tediously difficult. (Big props to Sue for actually finding southwestern crib bedding!)

Here is a sample of the wall stencil that took 4.5 hours on a ladder and cost me two leg cramps and all feeling in my right shoulder (which still hasn’t fully returned).

Now, while we are working towards deciding on a traditional name for the child, I am thinking we should come up with a secondary Native American name. Something catchy. Something like Topper Harley’s Indian name in HotShots:

Commander Block: “Topper Harley?”

Topper: “Once perhaps. Now I am called, Tooka Chinchilla.”

Commander Block: “What does it mean?”

Topper: “Fluffy Bunny Feet.”

Yes, something like that. Any suggestions?


Blogger Moooooog35 said...

Very nice. Although, I will tell you that if your child happens to be screaming and crying a bit more extensively than other children, that you should definitely reconsider butterflies.

Seriously. Look at this picture. A large horned animal is rearing up to attack some alien stick-creature trying to haplessly defend itself with a single, small, stick-like appendage. Meanwhile, a large rotating buzz saw is about to hack into a smaller four-fingered alien child (which, apparently has already been hit by this saw once before...as evident by the split skull and large scar down it's middle). All of this, done in blood red paint. Maybe you should pin up roadkill around the room, too, just for added effect.

May I suggest - in a SouthWestern theme, a chair rail 3 feet high around the room...teal paint on the top, orange paint on the bottom. Aaah..soothing. No depictions of mutiliations by animals and saws. Oh, and by the way just in case you were considering it, do NOT put a cactus in the room.

Otherwise - it looks good.

7:07 AM  
Blogger Derek, Tracy & Calvin said...

OR it could be a mother and her child playing with their puppy under the bright pleasant sun. But I like your interpretation too. The kid has to realize that some days you wake up to sunshine, and other days you feel like you are being chased by buzzsaws and deadly horned beasts.

7:49 AM  
Blogger Moooooog35 said...

Puppy?! Whatever that thing is, it is huge and has horns. Remind me never to shop for animals in Floridian pet stores.

Also, I think I've worked a Native American name into your candidates (most of these are unisex..so, double bonus!):

1) Agamemnon Hiawatha Medwid
2) D'Brickshaw Sitting Bull Medwid
3) Rodnetta Sacagawea Medwid
4) Elizabeth Daniel Day Lewis Medwid

Any time I can help, you just let me know.

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know they say some Indian names are derived from the place of "conception." I don't know where it was, obviously (!) but if you're creative it could be interesting !!

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all Mooooog man, my husband worked very hard on that room with the stenciling, I was quite impressed and then you just shoot him down like that, I'll have to beat you next time I see you, haha!! And your names, quite entertaining but not sure if that helped us....keep'em coming though I enjoyed the laugh.

Derived from "conception place", yes that would be very interesting...Don't you think honey??

Derek, you did an outstanding job on the stencils :-)Your talents always amaze me!! xoxoxo

8:53 AM  
Blogger Derek, Tracy & Calvin said...

Yeah, Mooooog - thanks for tinkling on my parade!

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very disturbing yet rather interesting decorations for a babies room. Perhaps instead of watching barnie they can watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre or The Exorcist!

1:27 PM  
Blogger Derek, Tracy & Calvin said...

I don't think this picture does the stencil justice. This is a close-up. They are very small drawings and viewed in its entirety, it looks very cute and friendly.

1:18 PM  
Blogger Moooooog35 said...

Sorry guys...I did not mean to tinkle on your evil parade of wall stencils (although, while you're on this terror-painting spree, maybe that's something else you can stencil on there..an Evil Tinkler). Jeez, Tracy - you made me feel bad. I was just trying to explain, ahead of time, why your child will be torturing small animals in your yard by the time he/she is of age 4. I've been looking for a baby gift in the meantime, but the "Faces of Death" DVD Collector's series is turning out to be hard to find.

I'm kidding. I kid. It's what I do. Seriously, it looks good.

As for the names and the place of conception, I don't think "D'Brickshaw Bathroom-at-Stuckeys" flows too well. Although I have come up with two other American Indian derived names:

1) Elizabeth Dances with Wolves Medwid
2) D'Brickshaw Indian-guy-from-that-old-anti-pollution-TV-commercial-who-was-crying Medwid

Hope it helps.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mooooog - I know you well enough to not take anything you say seriously, haha!! No feeling bad on comments on the blog, it's a free country and you say as you please :-) I do have to defend my husband though but you can take it!

My picks for the Native names:
Elizabeth Dances with Wolves Medwid
D'Brickashaw Sitting Bull Medwid

We'll add them to the list :-)

3:46 PM  

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