9 Months

A Journey Into the Unknown World of Becoming a Dad

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Location: South Florida, United States

Monday, July 24, 2006

Comfortably Numb

Over the last month or so, I have become more relaxed. More at ease. As each day would begin, I pretty much knew what to expect from my wife and from myself. That was, until the other night when Tracy said;

“Honey. Don’t forget. We have Lamaze class tonight.”

“Great! Who is Lamar and what is he teaching?”

“Just be ready to leave at 7 o’clock.”

The actual name of the class is Childbirth and Parenting and we were told to bring 2 pillows and a blanket. The class begins and I am immediately unnerved as I look around the room at all of the protruding paunches. Adding to my anxiety, the teacher asks us to greet the couple to our left and introduce each other. I quickly realized that any thoughts I had on how this evening would go were severely misguided.

I pictured that we would arrive in class; a few pleasantries would be exchanged, the teacher would smile and answer a few questions, perhaps bring me some tea and a cinnamon scone. Boy, was I wrong.

First off, she hands us a stack of literature that could choke a brontosaurus. Magazines, pamphlets, leaflets and handouts. We even received these bra sponges you use in case your boobs leak. I kid you not. This starts to overwhelm me and I can feel my nerves fraying one by one.

Next, the couple to my left starts having these snickering fits every time the teacher says the word breast. Um, guys. You’re having a kid. Shouldn’t you be past the “hee-hee, the teacher said a naughty word” phase of life?

And then, it gets worse. Considerably worse. Less than an hour into class, the teacher has already popped in “the video”. This was not on the syllabus! I was figuring the video wouldn’t be shown until the last class. And I planned to ditch that day. I just met all of these people 45 minutes ago and suddenly we are all huddled together watching a placenta heaved from some stranger woman’s vagina?! (Better not say vagina in front of the giggle twins)

At this point I am visibly shaken. I took our blanket, the one we were required to bring, and wrapped it around my shoulders for comfort as I tried to find a happy place inside. The video progresses into describing a series of unsettling medical terms. I know a “mucus plug” is, in fact, actually a plug of mucus but can we not come up with some euphemistic description? Something like, I don’t know, squishy baby stopper would be a little less graphic-image inducing. The squishy baby stopper sounds like a little saturated foam pillow keeping the baby in place. Ah, nice.

I tried to repress these images but one in particular keeps replaying over and over like when Marsha Brady got hit in the nose with the football. (Ow, my nose! Mom always said don’t play ball in the house). They showed this woman in mid-push looking down between her legs to see the baby’s head, while the rest of its body was still inside her. Good Christ! I can’t even look at my elbow if I scrape it playing hockey. With any luck, I’ll contract an unexpected case of scurvy or whooping cough so I can be excuse from this week’s class.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


My guy was queasy about the whole procedure as well, though he and I never bothered with those classes. But then, as our daughter was crowning (and I looked in the mirror opposite me as well, to see her - I could have watched her being born if I wasn't in the process of trying to expell her) his queasiness disappeared and he delivered her, crying before she was even completely free from me. He said he didn't feel like he thought he would feel (grossed out and sickly) because suddenly there she was, this little being of perfection, in his hands and squirming as the cool air hit her little body.

3:18 AM  
Blogger Moooooog35 said...

I'm with you. It's nasty. ALTHOUGH, I have to admit, you become kind of numb to it while you're in there (it's definitely no less disgusting, but you kind of just start going "huh - I wonder what THAT stuff is". I saw things evacuate the body that I never thought I would see outside of an alien autopsy. All along I said I would be out of the room - but that never happened (your wife's death-grip on your hands has a lot to do with this). I also said that I wouldn't cut the cord (WAY too gross), but there I was, scissors in hand, hacking away at that thing. They don't tell you this either, but cutting that thing is like trying to cut a garden hose with a pair of safety scissors. Anyway, keep your chin up and relish in the fact that you won't need to remember any of this Lamaze stuff (we needed none of it), and that your wife will probably be as doped up as mine was and not remember any of it either. Also, you can always do what we did and scrap the last couple of classes as it conflicted with the TV schedule of Survivor, Season 1. Priorities, you know.

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man up Medwid!!! This will be only the beginning of things that you will have to deal with. Wait till the young Lad breaks an arm or leg(hopefully not)and you have to comfort them while on the way to the hospital. I will have to assume that when the time comes for his/her shots that Tracy will be in the doctors office as I know you would pass out from the pure fear of seeing the needle. It maybe time to see the shrink to overcome yor fears. Child birth is a wonderful adventure and according to you all, this will be the only one. Cherish the moment and make us all PROUD!!!! Just think, you will be spending alot more time at home on Sundays to enjoy football!!! Signed yankmysox

10:07 AM  
Blogger Kristin said...

I think the classes are a rite of passage into parenthood. We didn't use any of the information...at all. But it was still "fun" to go to none the less.

Bill & I were the giggling couple when we had to practice breathing techniques. The instructor would say something about a "greeting breath". To this day, if Bill mentions the phrase "greeting breath", I can't stop laughing. I'm just glad he didn't try to pull that stunt in the delivery room.

2:54 PM  
Blogger Michelle Mama Bear said...

I loved reading this!! It is sooooo funny!!

5:21 AM  
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