9 Months

A Journey Into the Unknown World of Becoming a Dad

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Location: South Florida, United States

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


We have 19 days until the due date. Within the next 19 days (hopefully no more!) our child will be here and thus, this blog will go the way of the dodo and cease to exist. While I will be sad to let go of this forum, I will be more excited to move past this pregnancy stage and on to new challenges.

With that in mind, I am resigned to chronicling the final 19 or so days as they occur.

This evening we attended another parenting class. Infant CPR. It’s basically the same as regular CPR except on a smaller scale. I dozed off during some of the lessons. If I recall correctly, when a child starts choking, you just hold it upside down by the feet until the food is dislodged. I may have to confirm this with Tracy.

And today we had yet another doctor appointment. They are weekly now. I am proud to say I continue my streak of perfect attendance at these appointments. I do little more than hold Trac’s purse while she is being weighed but I consider that a very important job. Tracy also has perfect attendance.

Exciting news! The doc informed us that the head has dropped further down and the cervix has thinned out! Brick is on the move. Several years ago, a chiropractor told me my right leg is 4 centimeters shorter than my left leg. A woman needs to be at 10 centimeters before she can give birth. Coincidence? I don’t think so.


Blogger Jack's Mommy said...

Derek, do you have a baby pool going ???? My guess is it will be September 14th at 4:24pm :-)

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually that's the date of our next Dr appt and ultrasound, they are going to check for the baby's weight. Excited to see the little one again but then again I'd rather be holding him/her :-)

And don't let Derek fool anyone out there, he's always excellent and very attentive in class (for those that don't know him) :-)

9:28 AM  
Blogger Ashley said...

What...we don't get to hear the chronicles of life with baby?

I say October 1st. 5:34 pm.

2:54 PM  
Blogger Derek, Tracy & Calvin said...

October 1st??! Bite your tongue!

10:26 PM  

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