9 Months

A Journey Into the Unknown World of Becoming a Dad

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Location: South Florida, United States

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


We’re still here.

Today’s topic – Breastfeeding vs. the bottle

If you tell someone you aren’t sure if you are going to breastfeed, you will undoubtedly get a look of unconditional contempt. They’ll probably shake their head in disapproval and in extreme cases, take a swing at you. As if the alternative to breastfeeding for a child, is Jim Beam and cigarettes. Shortly after you mention the word bottle, they will don their medical caps and explain why you should, nay you must, use the breast.

Now, you can tell me that one should breastfeed for many reasons. The nutrients in the milk; the benefits for the mother; even saving money on formula. All valid points. But don’t tell me you need to do it because that is how you bond with your child. I’m not sure I buy that one.

You just carried this creation around inside you for 40 weeks; you brought it into the world; you hold it, feed it, change it and make googlely-eyes at it all day long. After all of that, if you need to breastfeed in order to bond with your child, I think you may have other issues.

Anyway, I’m not saying we aren’t choosing that option. I just resent being told what to do. But there have been many a healthy children who were bottle-fed. If I recall correctly, I fall into that category. And I haven’t had a cold in 3 years.


Blogger Moooooog35 said...


If it's any comfort to you, I bonded quite well with both my kids, and I never breast fed either one of them.

It could be because guys CAN'T breastfeed...but it sure wasn't for a lack of trying.

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's time you rent MEET THE FOCKERS. If I recall, Robert De Niro was breastfeeding his grandson, so don't tell me it can't be done. It's not a pretty sight but it could be worth trying (laughing). You may want to also invest in some cream for crack nipples. Have fun! :)

3:53 PM  
Blogger Derek, Tracy & Calvin said...

Actually, last time I saw Mooog, his nipples did appear to be unexpectedly dry and cracked.

11:04 PM  

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