9 Months

A Journey Into the Unknown World of Becoming a Dad

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Location: South Florida, United States

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Pucker up

Well, on the Suck meter, with 1 being mildly sucky and 10 being total suckfest, so far week eleven rates about a 9.2. I realize that having "mildly sucky" as the optimum rating on weekly gage can seem rather glass half-empty but right now our glass has more cracks than a plumber’s convention.

Nothing works. Sprite, crackers, water, Popsicle’s, Preggo pops, big meals, small meals, no meals, going to bed early staying up late, setting the alarm for 3am to wake up and have a snack, ginger tea, ginger ale, ginger snaps, watching Ginger Rogers on TV, taking the prenatal pill at different times, skipping the prenatal pill, moving slowly in the morning, milkshakes, having me say "just try not to think about it". None of that worked.

Today we took evasive action. We sought a savior and Zofran be thy name. This is what the doctor prescribed and it is apparently some heavy-duty stuff. At $370 for 2 ounces, it better work wonders. I kid you not about the price. And I thought a shot of Grey Goose was expensive. At this price, the prescription should come with a guy that wakes me up in the morning and makes me waffles.

Cross your fingers. I can’t tell you how happy we will be if this helps. Well, I can give you an idea. To paraphrase Chevy Chase, I’ll be so f**king happy, I’ll be whistling zippity-do-dah out of my a**hole!


Blogger Jack's Mommy said...

Derek you are hilarious! At least you see the humor in all of this - probably not as funny for Tracy though :-( At least you are keeping things light.
Hopefully the meds work ... otherwise hopefully it all goes away in a week or so ..... and then you can really enjoy the pregnancy!

10:49 AM  

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