9 Months

A Journey Into the Unknown World of Becoming a Dad

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Location: South Florida, United States

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Late last night I had another horrifying thought. My fear of becoming a parent has been well documented. When I would see other people’s kids, while acknowledging that they are very cute, sweet, adorable and whatever other adjective properly describes children, it still didn’t fill me with any sense of urgency to become a father. But I took some solace in being repeatedly told by everyone that “it’s different when it is your own”.

And last night it occurred to me….what if everyone is wrong?? Everyone has been wrong before. Everyone told me the American Idol was a good show. Come to find out this is not true. Everyone told me I would like the book The DaVinci Code. And I did not. (I mean, it was ok but I can’t see why it would be on the best seller list for 700 weeks) So what if little Charlotte shows up and I am ambivalent towards her presence? I hate when thoughts like this seep in.

Anyway, speaking of Charlotte, we have elected not to find out the sex of the baby. This, to my surprise, has actually aroused anger from some people. One person went so far as to say, “Fine. Then I am not getting you anything for the baby shower”, as if this idle threat would scare me into changing my opinion. My cousin asked for our doctor’s number so she could find out for herself with the stipulation that she promised not to tell us. Um, no.

However, others do applaud this “old school” approach of waiting until it pops out. Where is the fun in knowing ahead of time? That is like seeing a long preview of a movie right before you watch it. Would you have wanted to know that Verbal Kint was actually Keyser Soze in The Usual Suspects? I think not.

In the meantime, we are making a list of both male and female names. After watching this weekend’s NFL draft, I have come up with the name if it is a boy. (Although I haven’t cleared it with my wife yet)…. D’Brickashaw Medwid! What a great name. Unfortunately, my Italian grandmother may have a little trouble with that one. Instead of Derek, I think I was referred to as “Ricketts” for the first 10 years of my life. I can only imagine what D’Brickashaw will end up sounding like.


Blogger Moooooog35 said...

Derek - "Uncle Rod" here (ugh..I don't like that...sounds like someone who is being investigated by the FBI). Anyway - trust me, you may not (and probably will not) immediately like your child. Oh, you'll LOVE your child (mainly, because if your wife does not hear you say "I love you" every once in a while to the kid, you're toast), but you may not necessarily LIKE your kid. Personally, I didn't really like Payton until she was about 2. I know that sounds like a long time, but it actually goes by pretty fast (taking up a hobby is a good tip). In my defense, though, I hear that this happens with most guys - being completely ambivalent (i.e., I could really do without this) about the presence of a screaming, crying, pooping, vomiting, crying, screaming, crying, pooping little body in the household, who has thus robbed you of all free time and sleep. For some reason, I think it doesn't happen as much with the women - but me, the question "my God, what have I done" crossed my mind daily. Now, that question pops up less frequently (twice a week). With Cam, on the bright side, this period of ambivalence only lasted 8 months. I will NOT be having a third child to see if this threshold lowers any further.

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D'Brickashaw, that has a nice ring to it! We'll add it to our list :-)

And my love, you 'WILL'like our child!! After going through all this, let's just say you BETTER LIKE our child!!!! (ha-ha)

11:29 AM  
Blogger Derek, Tracy & Calvin said...

Thanks Moooog. And based on your response, one thing is clear. I shouldn't let you babysit my kid until it is at least 2.
Seriously, it's good to know these thoughts of impending doom are not limited to me. And yes, I do need a hobby.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will love your child if only because it is a part of you and your lovely wife !! And how could that possibly happen ??

And thanks for ruining the ending of Usual Suspects !!!!!!

1:32 PM  
Blogger Derek, Tracy & Calvin said...

Well, you should have seen it by now. By the way, Bruce Willis is really dead the whole time.

3:18 PM  

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