9 Months

A Journey Into the Unknown World of Becoming a Dad

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Location: South Florida, United States

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Twas the night

Twas the night before yesterday and all through the house,
Not a creature was nauseous, not even my spouse.

The Zofran sat in the cupboard, it stashed,
In hopes that the worst, of this sickness had past.

For days we had gone, without any issue,
No medicine was needed, nary even a tissue.

Then yesterday morning, I heard a strange din,
I awoke with a start, from the bathroom within.

When what, my listening ears, should I hear,
The sounds of Tracy heaving, that was all too near.

Up granola bar, up grilled cheese, up chicken noodle soup,
Up popsicles, up sherbet, and the rest of her fruit loops.

Afraid the morning sickness had returned, I lay on my bed,
Under a mountain of pillows, I buried my head.

But in the end, I was relieved at what I was told,
No returning bout with the morning blues… she has just caught a cold.

And to all, a good night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU ARE TOO DAMN CUTE! You amaze me that you come up with this stuff. xoxoxoxo

4:53 PM  

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